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Travel Like A Local

Boat Market

What does it mean to Travel Like A Local?  Follow me as I journey around the world to understand the true meaning of the word "local". As I travel from Ireland to the Philipines, from Australia to Nigeria, to Madagascar to Chili, learn, with me, the cultural norms of each region, as I talk about the interesting foods, social norms, and languages. It's important to learn about the cultures and the local people who live in the country you are visiting. A country is a political border that separates people. Some of those borders might separate people who have the same culture and eat the same food and have the same welcoming community. Unfortunately, because of this, we might have a bad opinion about one side of the border compared to the other. Let's learn about cultures and see past borders! Let's break the stereotypes!

Want to travel yourself? Travel Like A Local is now a certified travel agent! Who better to book travel from than someone who is passionate and experienced in travel. It is our promise to you, that when you book with Travel Like A Local you will experience at least one true local experience that you can't get anywhere else than where you are visiting! Get ready to experience true cultural immersion! 

We Specialize in:

European Adventures - (Honeymoons, Family Getaways, Cultural Experiences, River Cruises, Historical Tours, Romantic Road to Castles, Food Tours. 

Asian Budget trips -Backpacking Asia, Hostel Life, Beach Bungalows, Honeymoons, Food Tours, Cultural Experiences.

Religious Pilgrimage - Religious Middle Eastern Pilgrimage- Christianity trips to Israel, Jewish trips to Israel, Islam trips to Israel/Suadi Arabia. 

And we are learning more everyday to specialize in more regions and cultures!

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mixture of cultures

Europe is full of culture in such a small area of Land! There are fifty countries currently in Europe, with twenty-four official languages, and more than sixty indigenous languages. There are eighty-seven official distinct cultural groups living in Europe.  If you are looking to explore a mixture of cultures in a short amount of time, Europe is the spot to visit. Ultimately, Europe from the big picture can look and seem similar to America or other western places, but each country has its own rich culture that you must experience! To fully understand the people of the country or city or village that you are in you must do life with the locals and see life away from a tourist perspective or you will just have a luxurious vacation without learning much about your neighbors. 

Boundless and Flavorful

From Street food to temples, from beaches to mountains. Asia is full of diversity in their landscape, food, and religions. There is so much history and so many cultures in Asia. No matter where you go you will feel an intimate sense of warmth that makes this huge continent welcoming! Forty-eight countries call Asia their content with over 2300 languages spoken in Asia! If you are looking for a true cultural immersion with a low-cost budget Asia is the place for you!

warm and welcoming

The Middle East is one of the most amazing areas of the world I have ever visited. Yes, the views and the food are amazing, but the people are even better! There are twenty-two official countries in the Middle East with twenty minority languages spoken there. People from the Middle East are very open to visitors and normally love to have a guest for tea! If you are interested in a religious pilgrimage to Israel, or Saudia Arabia we have many planned tours for you to choose from! If you are also just wanted to learn more about these cultures and eat the amazing local food we can help plan you a trip as well! A trip to the Middle East is something you will never forget!

Greece City

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