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Passionate for Travel

Updated: Jan 29, 2019

A lot of people ask why I enjoy traveling and why I am so passionate about cultures. Honestly, I don’t remember the first time I had a desire

to travel, I think it was gradually built into my brain from when my dad and I would sit down and look at a globe during his visitation hours to see me. We would always talk about the exotic places we would like to visit. My number one place I wanted to visit as a child was first and foremost the North Pole, then I eventually realized that the North Pole I wanted to visit

didn’t exist but the second place I wanted to visit was Germany. I had always been fascinated with the history, clothing, and food from Bavaria. I of course also wanted to visit Paris just like every other little girl. The more I grew up the more my passion for Germany grew. There was something inside of me pulling me towards the people in Germany and not just their culture or traditions.

Once I turned legal I made my first trip to Europe and absolutely fell in love. I went to seven different countries and loved the whole trip. I

went to places I had always dreamed of going, but I must say, something was missing. I loved the idea of visiting and vacationing around those foreign lands, but I also wanted to see what it was like to live in those places. I wanted to branch out from where the locals were and see the poverty and the bad parts of town to fully understand the cultures. After my first trip I became addicted to traveling.

I’ve made multiple trips to Europe since then and I don’t plan on stopping, but now I do things a bit differently than my first trip. Since I’ve been in collage my eyes have become open and I am more aware of the desperate cry that people around the world are calling out for. I have learned that I can bring peace to other countries and help build bridges between other cultures to unite them. My

ultimate goal is to break down the boarders of places I visit and demonstrate how to love one another by my own actions. If you see me in another country you will see me having coffee with strangers, helping strangers find directions to where they are going, and just doing life with the locals.

Because of the way that I now view traveling, this has broadened my view of places I want to visit. I don’t mind visiting places that people don’t always travel to and I am okay with going

off the paved streets. I now have been to Asia and plan on returning lots more in the future, but before I had a passion for people I didn’t care much for visiting the east. My view points and goals for my experiences have changed so much. I also now have a passion to visit South America, Africa, and all the other continents. Another area of the world that my heart is so heavy for is the middle east. They so badly need to see normal day people just showing love in their community and I want to be the one to bring peace and love to them. I

have a purpose in this world, but I didn’t realize it until I took my first scary step into the unknown foreign lands. Sometimes you have a passion inside of you, but you don’t know what you can fully accomplish and achieve until you take a leap of faith, get out of your comfort zone, and do something for someone else. This is how I have been able to find myself and be who I truly am. I wouldn’t want my life any other way than to be an expat and peacemaker to my world.

So I guess you could say I am not only a lover of the world, but I am more so a lover of the people and cultures of this world.

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